The Gift That Keeps Giving 24/7

Segment # 298

You are always a little hesitant when your opponent does something stupid that seemingly pushes you closer to winning the battle. You become concerned when this continues to happen and even the opposite side begins saying.. uh maybe we shouldn’t be doing this. Well its not 2016 anymore and the American public is very tired of being abused by Democrats who are totally out of touch. It is astounding to see and hear that some Democrat leaders are doubling down on the same policies that got them defeated a few short weeks ago. For me I say keep talking and keep doing. It truly is a gift that keeps giving 24/7 and well into the future that will gut the Democrat party.

Here’s a look at California, Illinois, and Massachusetts all of whom have doubled down on the immigration policies to fight any effort by ICE to deport their migrants. Money is being taken from their citizens and given to illegals and the leaders expect that this is a viable long term position. Keep it up.. although in the long term the US taxpayers will get this bill

Newsome will punish California to appease the left

Illinois and Chicago have a growing debt problem . They have no leverage against Trump. The Dems will be embarrassed again.

Public city council meetings from Chicago are clearly showing what a fraud their mayor is.


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