One More Middle Finger to America
Segment # 298
This story unfortunately is only going to grow as Biden appointees make way for the Trump administration. Unfortunately, for these haters it will not turn out the way it did in 2016. The majority (and growing) of Americans are tired of being lied to and abused by both elected and non elected government officials. I predict the narrow minded morons will by their departing sabotage create a serious backlash that it will serve to further damage the Democrat party and the legacy media.
To spite Trump and undermine his pledge to build a wall, the Biden Administration with weeks to go is selling off wall materials already purchased by the American taxpayer for pennies on the dollar at salvage auctions
The lack of leadership in the White House is creating chaos by not providing their military and law enforcement rules of engagement. This is sending precisely the wrong signals to terrorists around the world that want to do us harm.
The Congressional report is providing a starting point for the investigations that will occur about Jan 6th after Trump takes over. It is foolish to believe the only government assets present on Jan 6 were 26 informants. We will see soon.
This judge represents the worst of the worst where the judge took money to send kids to for-profit prisons. What the US is doing to their kids with trafficking, drug overdoses, sex changes, and slave labor is sick and will be addressed very soon. And Biden and his administration continues to tout their morale high ground. Realistic they represent the most depraved governments in U.S. history.