The End of Debate is the Beginning of Censorship
Section # 272
Over the past few years I have had many discussions with liberals- both friend and foe. Now they rarely end well; and for that reason I long for the robust policy debates of the past where both parties learned something. The presumption entering into a serious discussion that your side is the omnipotent keeper of the truth is moronic, arrogant, and most importantly dangerous. If you operate from the position that everything that is stated in opposition is misinformation, then you first you have no argument and second you clearly will do almost anything to win. This is where we are in the United States and while we may win this election, the long term prognosis is that our country is already in a death spiral. We just can’t admit it.
You should debate and discuss where facts are examined not platitudes regurgitated from a corrupt media on either side. This rarely happens now because first we are abysmally uninformed and second since we are unarmed with facts, we must either beat the table, deflect, or refuse to acknowledge any incontrovertible facts.
When our government tells a family living paycheck to paycheck that there struggles are misinformation, that’s a problem.
When our government signs into law that a doctor has no responsibility to save the baby after a botched abortion (Minnesota) that that is is misinformation - that’s a problem.
When a government tells the people of North Carolina that almost two weeks after hurricane Helene that they are happy and don’t need a thing and that reports to the contrary are misinformation - that’s a problem.
When the presumptive “First Gentleman” has cheated on his wife, knocked up the nanny, allegedly slapped a girl friend, allegedly was accused of inappropriate behavior in his law office - and it is all called misinformation - that’s a problem.
When the Vice President of the United States presides over an open border that permits 10 to 15 million illegal aliens to cross our border and that’s called misinformation - that’s a problem.
When the Vice President espouses progressive policy positions and the flips calling it misinformation - that’s a problem.
These are just a few examples of what ultimately becomes censorship and the end of free speech and the First Amendment. If the government controls your speech, your ability to assemble, your ability to bear arms, your ability to travel - you are China and you certainly aren’t a democratic republic.
Without debate, respect, compassion, and patience this country and its citizens cannot coexist with a common set a values. This is globalism where all countries lose their sovereignty for the common good. It surely is not my world.