Who Is Kamala in Her Own Words
Section # 250
This is a very divisive election that has taken the country to the place where they are unable to have any discourse about anything. Democrats and Republicans do agree that as a major candidate for president of the United States that Kamala and Walz have not given very many interviews. And legacy media has not been very forthcoming in sharing what is in the public sector. So here is Kamala in er own words. You be the judge.
Kamala Harris declaring she is a member of the “role model club” https://x.com/i/status/1836747714719056343
Kamala talks about power and what she can do with a swipe of her pen.
CNN reported that in 2019 Kamala signed a questionnaire for the ACLU in which she clearly indicated her preferences for decriminalizing illegal immigration, taxpayer funded gender transitions, defundig ICE, and decriminalizing drugs to include heroin, crack, and fentanyl.
On censorship Kamala has stated that she will regulate and control what is true and false.
CNN reported that while Kamala was against the border wall she has changed her mind is now using it in her ads.
Kamala has made a public statement affirming all the positions stated above. On most she has flipped during campaign statements from her or her staff. You have to decide what is a sincere reassessment which seems based on her entore career highly improbable.
Kamala explains collective bargaining
There are no terrorists crossing our southern border
Her Democrat Colleagues disrespected her before Biden dropped out. They werre almost united in believing she was a drag on the campaign. Hearing the compliments now totalingmanufactured by the campaign and corrupt media is both astonishing and repulsive for its inspipid lack of sincerity.
This is Kamala as a senator berating former ICE Director Ronald D. Vitiello makeing it completely clear that she feels ICE caused fear and intimidation among immigrants coming from Central America and Mexico.
Harris and Biden have presided over a disastrous economy for 3 1/2 years. Inflation is devastating the poor and the middle class. She has no answers in this classic response she contimnually gives when asked about the economy..