The Media Whitewash
Section # 243
raIf any Republican politician had a quarter of the past that is well documented as that of Kamala Harris, their careers would be over. The past does to some extent predict the future. Do I think there exists rehabilitation.. absolutely. But repetitive examples of character flaws are certainly predictive of continuous behavior on the same path. Putting aside judgment of her morale character it must be acknowledged that the common denominator is Kamala will always do what’s best for Kamala. Her political philosophy is only valid if it advances her ambitions. This is precisely why Kamala now sounds like a middle of the road conservative. As soon as this choice is no longer expedient, she will return to the progressive left catering to those principles that will cater to her base.
Willie Brown was Kamal’s political mentor and lover in San Francisco. Brown was a married man that liked the good life.
At 29 with an impenetrable political machine Kamala could not have gone anywhere without Willie Brown’s patronage.
Judge Brown has known Kamala for decades and puts to rest Kamala origin stories including the busing to school
Not a good look when people think you are Willie Brown’s daughter and you want to be taken seriously
Certainly Willie must have had an unusual relationshipwith his then wife.
The critical fact here is that Kamal has never had a job that was not paid for with taxpayer dollars. And now she may be the next CEO of the United States. That should terrify anyone