Please Help Tim Walz’s Starving Mother

Section # 285

Whether it is Kamala pandering to us about about working at McDonalds or Tim Walz saying his mother will starve without social security, neither can be very bright to talk themselves into a political corner like they do repeatedly. No I don’t believe even a knucklehead that Walz would let his mother exist literally on the edge of being able to feed herself. No doubt about the Dem handlers are smart.. the problem is teir candidates are not very talented. We are so screwed if they win.

And for you Vets out there another bombshell just dropped on the medals he wore” Breaking - More stolen Valor from Tim Walz. After listening to Tim Walz brag about how he is such a skilled shooter, I decided to look if he was an Expert Marksman in the military. It turns out he doesn't even have a marksmanship badge at all or authorized to wear one, but wore one on his Class A uniform anyway. In the Army or National Guard soldiers are required to qualify with their M-4 rifle or M-16. The qualification course is made up of 40 targets ranging from 50 meters-300 meters popping up randomly. You are given 2- 20 rd magazines totaling 40 rds. Soldiers are required to qualify once a year to keep their current status. Marksman- Hit 23-29 out of 40. Sharpshooter- Hit 30-35 out of 40. Expert- Hit 36-40 out of 40. ( not easy) Its no surprise Tim Walz decided to pick the Expert Marksmanship badge since its not easy to get. See the pics below, I used my own DD 214 to show you what its suppose to look like if you are authorized to wear one. See how Tim Walz awards are listed but it does not have any marksmanship badges awarded? Then it says nothing follows, that means he doesn't have a continuation on awards to a new block ( for more room) like mine does. NGB22 should mirror the DD214 so it should look like mine. I find it extremely disrespectful to soldiers who actually earned their awards. Look below in the comments for the 3 types of Marksmanship badges the Army awards you.


Kamala Unhinged and Unstable


Taxpayer Ugly 2024